Monday, August 28, 2006

New Address!

Here is my new home -- it is the house on the left of the picture, the pinkish looking one. That front bay window is my bedroom. I have always wanted a window like this, and I think it is what sold me on the place. If it only had a ledge where I could write or read (like on that show from years ago with all the Billy Bobs and Susy Annes - the name of the show is completely escaping me! Rach, you remember it don't you??) I'm feeling a lot more settled. My clothes are thanking me for not keeping them squished in the suitcase! There is so much to explore from here on in. Not only do I have the rest of London to discover but I have two more towns - both Watford, the city I am living in, and Borehamwood, the town where my school is located. Tomorrow I'll do some exploring! Today is about settling in and feeling like I am home.

There is so much to tell about the past few days. I have been to places that I remember so clearly, and have seen places that I have never been before. Most of them I need to go back and enjoy more! I have walked around the theatre district - but unfortunately now there are movie theatres as well. We saw 4 movies theatres in 6 blocks. Most are disguised as theatres except there are huge ODEON signs in bright neon lights. Fortunately they still do not take away from the atmosphere. Notting Hill was fabulous! The carnival was filled with sounds and smells coming at you in each and every direction. There were people everywhere - some blowing whistles, some horns, some dancing to the music and most just drinking on the street.

Covent Gardens was nicer than I remembered. We were there at closing, so did not get to see many of the stalls. There was one open who had all these famous poems hand written on paper that one could hang up on a wall. I couldn't believe it when I saw it, but there was the poem: When I am Old I will wear purple. How it got among Frost and Keats?

Thursday and Friday are my first days at school (before the students arrive). Should be nerve racking! Hopefully I'll find my way there ok! Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 25, 2006

Piccadilly Circus

My Mother talked about how it was standing on Oxford St. knowing that this was it, she was free to do what she wished. For me it was piccadilly circus. Walking up the steps of the piccadilly station onto the street was what did it for me. I knew that I had made the right decision. It was everything I remembered and more about what drew me here. I walked for an hour and a half - in a bit of a daze, smiling uncontrollably.
I met Ariana and Dave at their hostel - took a double decker (so much fun! felt completely out of control and that we were going to hit all the taxis that we saw...) ended up just past Oxford Circus and found a pub - had some beer and some fish and chips and great conversation.
Tomorrow is the orientation day and I need to get some rest. This weekend is the Notting Hill festival and moving day - should be busy and very fun!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Atlantic Was Born Today...

I've been up for however many hours and should be sleeping right now but my mind is too busy spinning. The flight was good - Ice Age 2, not my favorite movie, nor even a good plane movie! I met some people in the airport in Montreal who lived in my residence first year - and I don't think I've seen them since! Who knew that 5 years later we would be on the same flight moving to the same country. We exchanged emails so hopefully this time around we'll be better at keeping in touch.

I'm feeling a little lazy/allergic/tired so I may take it easy today and be more of a tourist tomorrow. I have some flats to see tonight so I may have a home of my own soon. It will be nice to have a place to unpack and a bed to sleep in!

I went for a walk today just around Andrew's flat - there are a lot of KFCs! The conjoined houses, the underground signs, the double decker buses - the East side is obviously different from downtown, but with the same familiar trademarks.
More later, when my brain has been re-juiced!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Dancing in Lake Huron

Just came back from Toronto and Lake Huron - had a fantastic time! Thanks again Erin and Mike - it was exactly what I needed before beginning my last week in Ottawa.
I now have a week to finish packing - well, I guess you need to start packing before you can finish. The airline scare and the 20kg limit have eliminated almost everything I own. And probably, if I could afford it, I'd leave with just a hand bag to carry essentials and then buy everything when I get there. I've been warned that Londoners may not appreciate the hoodie and puffy black vest: I think it is them who have never lived!
Saying goodbye seems like such daunting task - It is exausting even thinking about the emotional goodbyes. Seems so much easier just to pick up and go without telling a soul (don't worry, you all know when my flight is!) I'm starting to understand eloping. How do you tell someone how much they mean to you as you step onto an airplane and fly 5213.83km away from them? So here is my goodbye. Know that I love you all, and that I'll always be a westboro girl (yes - the westboro sweater is coming with me! And I can't leave behind my Sens hat) and you all mean so much to me and I'll miss you all - more than words can say. Drop me an email, I'll try and blog it up with pictures and maybe even send out a mass email every once in a while.
I'll be coming home next year... Posted by Picasa